Why are we reviewing our governance now?
It's good practice for organisations to periodically review their governance structures. Our last major governance review was more than 10 years ago. The world has changed a lot in that time and, with the experience of COVID-19 changing the way people work, it has become essential to revisit our approach.

This review will ensure that the CIPR is fit, strong, and sustainable for the future.

What are the main proposed changes?
Splitting the President's role into 1) a Chair of the Board - an external and paid position who line manages the CIPR CEO and 2) a President to act as ‘Chief Volunteer’ and be the main voice and representative of CIPR members.

Removing the ability to co-opt individuals onto the Board. Candidates will go need to be vetted by a new Nominations Committee to be elected to the Board. This will expand the breadth and depth of skills, diversity, and experience on our Board.

Reducing the size of Council to create a core group of members focused on driving the organisation forward.

How will CIPR members notice the difference?
There will be more opportunities for members to steer the Institute’s direction. The proposed changes will make our governance more transparent and increase the number and diversity of people involved in our governance.

What is the process for change?
As a Chartered body, we must ask the Privy Council Office to amend our Royal Charter. We will hold an Extraordinary General Meeting (likely in April 2024) where members can endorse the proposed changes.
In the immediate instance, we have launched an online consultation for members to provide feedback and comments on the proposals before the EGM.

What are the next steps to implement the changes, should they be accepted?
The Presidential election at the end of 2024 will be for the new Chief Volunteer role who will serve their one-year term in 2026.

The next Council election will be under the new rules and will see a smaller and more focused Council next year.

A Nominations Committee will be established to select and vet candidates for the CIPR Board.

We will begin the process of recruiting a Chair of the Board. 

How can members participate in the consultation?
Members can review the online materials explaining the proposed changes and submit their comments, concerns and questions in this our online survey.