There are 3 levels of assessment: full recognition, partial recognition and module recognition.

Full recognition

Courses seeking full recognition must cover the following 5 areas:

PR practice which might include its role and scope; writing; commissioning design and photography; media relations; campaigns; research; planning; social media/digital communication; CSR; relationship, issues, crisis and reputation management; ethics; sponsorship; pressure groups and activism; current debates and trends

Communication knowledge and theory which might include the background and development of PR; systems theory; propaganda; persuasion; power; publics; co-orientation; critical perspectives on PR; Excellence theory; organisational, political and social culture; change and complexity theories; rhetoric; social psychology including motivation and influence; ethical theories; how PR impacts upon society politically, socially, economically and morally

Business skills and knowledge which might include IT skills; financial and budget awareness; time management; staff management; business planning; marketing; advertising

Professionalism which might include codes of conduct; regulation; legal considerations; standards

Specialisms which might include sector specialisations such as financial, consumer, b2b, health, environmental, leisure etc; role specialisations such as public affairs, investor relations, media relations, internal communication, crisis management, marketing communication, etc.

Partial recognition

Courses which meet 4 or less of the above criteria will be granted partial recognition. There is no alteration to the process or fees for partial recognition.

Module recognition

Modules will need to meet 1 of the 5 criteria.

how much does it cost?

New courses and modules may seek recognition at any time during the year and will pay an initial fee as below (NB: All fees quoted are subject to VAT):

  • new course at new university: £580
  • new course at existing university: £460
  • new module at new university: £460
  • new module at existing university: £130.
This fee covers assessment of your course content and other submitted materials.

Once your course or module is recognised, the following fee will be due before the beginning of each academic year:

  • first course/module: £435
  • each additional course/module: £60.

how to apply for course recognition

Apply for course recognition by completing and submitting this form.

Need more information?

Our latest guidance document to universities wishing to become involved in our course recognition programme is available for downloading.

  Click here to Download