Tackling the IC Wellbeing Crisis 

Reflections by Tanya Burak, CIPR Inside Committee Member

June 4, 2024 

If you are an IC Professional, like me, you probably thought to yourself attending this webinar will be great for how I deal with overwhelming priorities, support my colleagues, and work better with my key stakeholders.  But, in fairness, I was wrong – it wasn’t about them, it was about me.
Much has been said about how organisations and leadership are dealing with post-pandemic workplace, but little has been said or discussed as to how we, as Internal Communicators, take care of ourselves. The purpose of this session initiated by CIPR Inside, to support Stress Awareness Month in April, was to do just that – learn from our peers some really practical tips, and strategies to support our own wellbeing.

Hosted by Andy Macleod, a recruiter and ex Internal Comms practitioner, and supported by industry veterans Jean Burke, Christina Fee and Joanna Parsons, the panel session relayed first-hand experience of what it is to deal with Burnout, ‘Passion Fatigue’ and most importantly, how to restore our balance.

Andy started the session with a shocking figure – that almost 40% of internal communications professionals have experienced a deterioration of their wellbeing over the last 12 months, according to the recent Gallagher State of the Sector report.  For a role that is meant to be supporting our colleagues and organisations, that’s just not on, in my opinion.
Jean kindly reminded all that ‘if we aren’t looking after ourselves first, then we can’t be available to care for others’ and encouraged all those feeling overwhelmed to ‘share it’ and ‘talk it out’ with someone. Joanna was adamant that ‘it is just a job – not our lives’ and that as professionals we need to ‘be able to say no – the right way’– by working on our purpose and defining the value we bring to organisations. Christina’s experience, having first-hand experience of burnout, really resonated with me – and I will definitely take her advice to find balance, define and keep an eye on real priorities, make time for regular reviews, and not to be afraid to ask for help.

I think the most important takeaway, however, is that Internal Comms professionals are employees too. We all have our own experience, skills, but also need to set our boundaries and limitations – try as we might, we just can’t fix what is out of our control.
You can catch-up on the webinar here: Tackling the IC Wellbeing Crisis

And additional resources shared by our brilliant panel:

How burnout became normal

Burnout immunity how emotional intelligence can help you build resilience 

Tony Crabbe - Busy 

Dr Bill Mitchell - Time to Breathe

More than work-life balance, focus on your energy

Why Your Passion for Work Could Ruin Your Career

To Quit Or Not To Quit? That Is The Question