
Strategic internal communication

Strategic internal communication

Strategic, internal communication,
Course aim
This workshop encourages you to think more strategically about how you communicate with internal stakeholders and with what impact. Drawing both on theory and on real-world examples, it offers a range of practical tools to help you design and deliver a more effective and authentic internal communications strategy for your organisation.

Who should attend?

Mid-career communication professionals and those taking on a specific responsibility for internal communications strategy and planning.

What to expect

  • Evaluation of theoretical models and concepts
  • Real world case study analysis
  • Personal reflection
  • Group discussion
  • Practical exercises


  • Articulate how internal communication impacts on organisational success
  • Better understand what it means to think strategically
  • Discuss different strategic internal communication tools, techniques and responsibilities
  • Develop effective internal communication strategies that support organisational goals
  • Understand how to measure and evaluate your success
03/09/2024 09:30 - 15:30
GMT Daylight Time

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