Manchester Breakfast Briefing Launch

Manchester Breakfast Briefing Launch

CIPR NW, North West, Manchester, breakfast briefing, Advita Patel, Rachel Ferguson, Steve Whitely, CTI, monitoring, evaluation

We’d be delighted if you could join us for some breakfast networking and insightful presentations, to kick off our series of brand new breakfast briefings in Manchester.

Join us as we launch our Manchester Breakfast Briefing events, in partnership with Refresh and CTI Digital! The theme of our first briefing is Monitoring and Evaluation of PR campaigns.

We’ll focus on the importance of how we can effectively evaluate whether we have achieved our desired outcomes, and how to measure the true value of our work effectively.

This is an increasingly important topic in our industry, with PR practitioners now recognising the importance of identifying how our desired outputs, outcomes and potential impact of our campaigns can be grasped right from the campaign planning stages.

Perhaps most importantly, gaining these insights can assess how we affect our stakeholders, society, and our organisations.

Our speakers include…

Advita Patel – CIPR President Elect and Founder of CommsRebel. An expert in internal communication and employee experience, Advita is a co-founder of A Leader Like Me, a global inclusive communication consultancy, and is also an international speaker, podcaster and confidence coach. She is a chartered Fellow of the CIPR.

• George Evans-Jones – Account Director at RefreshGeorge has worked with national and international clients of different sectors, from large-scale NHS organisations to scale-up technology companies, and has experience in designing and delivering communications campaigns to target difference audiences.

Steve Whitely - Digital Analytics Manager at CTI Digital. Steve has over 20 years' experience in digital marketing, analytics, data centralisation, warehousing and visualisation.

We hope you can join us! If you are a PRCA member please contact us for your promo code to book. For non-members the price to attend this event is £10 +VAT.

Please let us know if you have any questions about the event and we will be providing more information closer to the event.

Contact: Linda O'Neil
Email: [email protected]

14/05/2024 08:15 - 09:45
GMT Daylight Time
CTI 1st floor, Express Networks 2 3 George Leigh Street Ancoats, Manchester M4 5DL UNITED KINGDOM

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