
British politics in a time of change

Public, affairs, British, Politics, Change

Course aim
Every generation thinks it lives in a time of change. So to what extent is British politics really shifting in light of events such as the financial crisis, coalition government, Brexit, the 2019 election, and COVID? This course explains what PR practitioners need to know in order to write a compelling situation analysis.

Who should attend
Public affairs professionals who needs an impartial, rigorous understanding of British politics in the 2020s – as well as any PR practitioner who regularly carries out environmental scanning, draft a public relations strategy, or advise their clients on British politics.
What to expect

  • Has the British voter changed? How did politicians respond? Have the parties realigned?
  • What effect did constitutional and other reforms have? Do the institutions now operate differently?
  • What has been the impact of IndyRef, Brexit, and COVID?

Course objectives
Participation in the course will provide you with the knowledge to:

  • outline how the British voter has changed and how this affects election results
  • identify the way modern political parties are organised and how to engage with them
  • work with MPs and peers, by understanding how the new intake view their role
  • explain the powers of the devolved institutions and calls for independence
  • ask the right questions about Brexit and carry out a risk assessment for your clients
  • follow the changes in central government administration and why these matter
  • monitor the rise of extra-system and anti-system movements, such as Extinction Rebellion.
21/11/2024 09:30 - 15:30
GMT Standard Time
21/11/2024OnlineRegister21/11/2024 15:30:00
POL211124Public affairs
Public affairs

British politics in a time of change

Public, affairs, British, Politics, Change

Course aim
Every generation thinks it lives in a time of change. So to what extent is British politics really shifting in light of events such as the financial crisis, coalition government, Brexit, the 2019 election, and COVID? This course explains what PR practitioners need to know in order to write a compelling situation analysis.

Who should attend
Public affairs professionals who needs an impartial, rigorous understanding of British politics in the 2020s – as well as any PR practitioner who regularly carries out environmental scanning, draft a public relations strategy, or advise their clients on British politics.
What to expect

  • Has the British voter changed? How did politicians respond? Have the parties realigned?
  • What effect did constitutional and other reforms have? Do the institutions now operate differently?
  • What has been the impact of IndyRef, Brexit, and COVID?

Course objectives
Participation in the course will provide you with the knowledge to:

  • outline how the British voter has changed and how this affects election results
  • identify the way modern political parties are organised and how to engage with them
  • work with MPs and peers, by understanding how the new intake view their role
  • explain the powers of the devolved institutions and calls for independence
  • ask the right questions about Brexit and carry out a risk assessment for your clients
  • follow the changes in central government administration and why these matter
  • monitor the rise of extra-system and anti-system movements, such as Extinction Rebellion.
21/11/2024 09:30 - 15:30
GMT Standard Time
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Last day to register is 21/11/2024

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