The role of women in helping shape governance roles

The role of women in helping shape governance roles

CIPR International Event, Women on Boards, Women in Governance, Webinar, Diversity on Boards, International Women's Month

We are paying tribute to women across the world, with a webinar to mark International Women’s Month that was celebrated through March.

On 09 April 2024, from 9-10am BST, we will be exploring the role of women in helping shape governance roles with three experts in this area.

Emma Duke, Owner, Emma Duke PR and Vice Chair, Connection Support

A Chartered PR Fellow, Emma has 20 years of experience in corporate communications, working for PR agencies and complex global organisations such as Diageo and Oxford University Press. Emma brings strong leadership communications, thought leadership and crisis management expertise. Emma runs her own PR consultancy business, Emma Duke PR, has recently trained as a Coach and is Vice Chair of UK-based charity, Connection Support.


Maria Darby Walker, Portfolio Non Executive Director

Maria is currently a Board Director on two UK financial services boards where she focuses on stakeholder engagement, brand and reputation, ESG as well as the people agenda. With a strong focus on managing risk and reputation, she has helped businesses such as The Financial Conduct Authority, The Investment Association, Unum, Iglo / Birds Eye, Cadbury and Rio Tinto, amongst others, to develop their narrative, engage with stakeholders, bring in new customers, grow their brands and increase their value. She is also a Visiting Fellow, Oxford University, Corporate Reputation Centre.


Olayinka Edmond, Committee Member, Board Chair, The Comms Avenue

Olayinka has 18 years experience in Communications, Brand & Sustainability Management. She started in PR in the UK, moved to Nigeria 2007 and worked with Quadrant MSL before joining Dimension Data and later, Diageo. She is currently Lead, Internal Communications, Mastercard Foundation. Olayinka holds a Public Leadership Credential from the Kennedy School of Government and is an alumnus of the WBCSD Leadership Program.


The webinar will be facilitated by Taazima Kala-Essack, Vice-Chair of the CIPR International Committee, and GM and Lead Consultant at Hotwire PRC, Botswana. Taazima is a Chartered Member of the CIPR since 2020 and is based in Gaborone, Botswana. She's been part of the CIPR community since 2014 and is currently the General Manager and Lead Consultant of Hotwire, a leading Africa-based PR consultancy. She is a Member of the Public Relations Institute of Southern Africa (PRISA) and sits on the boards of MISA Botswana, the Association of Communications Agency Botswana, and the NGO, Learn To Play. Taazima is passionate about strategy, crisis consulting and reputation management. 


Contact: Taazima Kala-Essack
Email: [email protected]

09/04/2024 09:00 - 10:00
GMT Daylight Time

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