Save when you commit to getting Chartered

Make a commitment to getting chartered when you join or before your membership renews and save nearly £200 by paying for your membership and your chartership assessment together.

As part of our new Chartership Package, you can now add the Chartership assessment fee to your membership subscription at the discounted rate of £144 plus a £29 booking fee (usual cost £372 including VAT).
Once you have paid for both the Chartership assessment and your membership together (or set up a direct debit plan), you'll receive a special link to book the Chartership assessment date of your choice.

The Chartership Package is available to renewing members now and to new joiners from 22 December 2023.

Example of savings:

 Without package subscription  
 Standalone chartership assessment  fee  £372
 With package subscription  
 Chartership added to subscription  £144
 Assessment booking fee  £29
 Total  £173
 Saving with package subscription  £199

Terms and conditions of chartership package offer

  1. This offer is available to new joiners or existing members during the six weeks before their next renewal. The offer expires three working days before your renewal date.
  2. This offer is not available to existing members who have more than six weeks remaining of their current membership subscription and: - 
    a) have already paid for their current membership year, or 
    b) are already paying for their current membership year by direct debit instalments.
  3. Package subscriptions must be paid together at the same time, either: -
    a) by card or BACs transfer, or
    b) by setting up a Direct Debit. Annual single instalment or monthly instalments are available. To switch to Direct Debit, we must receive your request to switch at least ten working days before your next renewal date.
  4. To secure your preferred date for assessment, you will need to wait for confirmation from us that payment of the package subscription has been made, or arranged by direct debit (see 3. above). This will be done before your membership renews and you will then be invited to book. A separate booking fee of £29 is payable at the time of booking onto a Chartership assessment. Chartership assessment fees are non-refundable and our standard Chartership terms and conditions apply from this point forwards.
  5. You will need to sit your assessment within two years of purchasing the package.
  6. Membership subscriptions are non-refundable and non-transferable as stated in our membership terms and conditions.
  7. If you are already booked onto an assessment at the time of being introduced to this offer, we are unable to retrospectively apply the discount. As stated in the Chartership terms and conditions, fees are non-refundable. 
  8. Members must meet the criteria to sit a Chartership assessment  in order to take up the Chartership Package, including being at Member or Fellow grade (upgrade may be required).
  9. This offer may be withdrawn at any time.
  10. All prices include VAT.

Need any help?

Find out more about Chartership and email the membership team with any questions.