Free on-demand training for CIPR members

We offer a range of free bite-sized training courses exclusively for CIPR members. From January 2024,  this free training will all be delivered on-demand on our new and innovative e-learning platform so that we can open this benefit up to members at every grade, in all locations, without any limits on capacity. 

Please see below for details of the free training courses currently available to members. We refresh free training courses every 2-3 years to keep providing new learning opportunities for members at every stage of their careers.

Once you register for a free on-demand training course, this will appear under 'My courses' in your MyCIPR account. You will have six months to complete the course and you will receive reminders before your access expires. 

equity, diversity and inclusion 

Our on-demand EDI training package features six practical modules on topics ranging from bias and microaggressions to inclusive language and inclusive communications. All six modules are free to CIPR members and are worth 3 CIPR CPD points.

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Ethics & PR

The reality of modern public relations could not be further removed from the outdated image of spin doctors that some hold. Yet what does it mean to be an ethical PR practitioner? How can we evaluate client requests, strategic options, and campaign outcomes to ensure that we uphold our professional integrity?  Explore the role of an ethical PR practitioner and discover tools and techniques for ethical decision making in this three-module on-demand course. 

Find out more


Member discounts on all CIPR training

CIPR members pay less for CIPR Training with up to £200 off (savings vary according to course). We offer virtual, on-demand and in-person courses in more than 60 subjects and we work with the best trainers in the field.