Maud Davis FCIPR

City: London

Describe yourself in 5 words: Semi-professional Cook, New Experience Seeker, Sociable, Creative

Preferred way of communicating with mentee:
Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Skype.  And when practicalities allow – face to face meetings.

What can I help you with:
Managing people, Independent practitioners, Marketing communications

About me:
Maud is a PR trainer and mentor specialising in marketing communications and media relations.Her workshops are lively and engaging and are shaped from her account handling experience in London consultancies and underpinned by knowledge gained by course leading the CIPR Professional Certificate qualification and teaching at UAL LCC on BA in Public Relations.

Maud is a business mentor/trainer with The Prince’s Trust and has mentored on the Government’s GCS talent programme. She is a CIPD and ILM qualified trainer.

Contact me
Email: [email protected]


Twitter: @maudiemo