The practicalities of implementing AI-driven sentiment analysis in politics and public affairs

By Talya Stone, CMO at Permutable AI


As the political landscape becomes increasingly complex, understanding public sentiment is crucial for informed decision-making and effective communication. In this article, we will explore some of the key factors to consider when engaging an AI company for sentiment analysis, ensuring you can approach using this powerful technology with your eyes wide open.

Key factors to consider when engaging an AI company for sentiment analysis

When engaging an AI company specialising in sentiment analysis, particularly for politics and public affairs, it's essential to consider several key factors. Look for advanced natural language processing capabilities, such as transformer models like BERT and of course GPT-3, which provide high accuracy in text analysis. Real-time data processing is crucial for dynamic fields, so ensure the company offers real-time sentiment tracking. Meanwhile, comprehensive, high quality, data sources are also vital to get a well-rounded view of public sentiment.

Additionally, consider the scalability and customisation of the solutions provided. Choose a company that can scale their solutions to handle increasing data volumes and offers customisation to fit specific needs. Can they offer user-friendly interfaces and dashboards that present data clearly are important for easy interpretation and actionable insights? Keep in mind these will often have to be custom-built for your particular use case.

Robust data privacy and security measures are of course non-negotiable, given the potentially sensitive nature of the data handled. Ensure the company adheres to data protection regulations and has strong security protocols in place.

Lastly, evaluate the company's proven track record and expertise in sentiment analysis and AI. Look for case studies, testimonials, and successful project histories in similar fields. By considering these factors, you can ensure a partnership that delivers accurate, actionable insights and helps you stay ahead in understanding public sentiment.
Steps to implement sentiment analysis in politics and public affairs
To say that implementing sentiment analysis in the fields of politics and public affairs can be a transformative process is without doubt a large understatement. With that said, it may also seem like a gargantuan and overwhelming task. So where to get started? Let’s take a look at some practical tips to help explore this new and exciting area of insight:

  1. Define your objectives: Clearly articulate the specific goals and use cases for sentiment analysis, such as improving public engagement, informing policy decisions, or enhancing political campaigns.
  2. Identify data sources: Determine the relevant sources of textual data that can provide valuable sentiment insights.
  3. Evaluate AI companies providing sentiment analysis technologies: Consider factors like accuracy, scalability, and integration with existing systems. Establish that there will be an efficient process for collecting, cleaning, and processing the relevant data to feed into the sentiment analysis system.
  4. Train and validate sentiment analysis models: This will be the responsibility of the AI company you are working with if using custom machine learning models - they will need to invest time and resources into training, testing, and validating the models to ensure accurate and reliable sentiment analysis for your particular use case.
  5. Integrate sentiment insights into decision-making: Establish a framework for incorporating sentiment analysis insights into the decision-making processes of the stakeholders you are working with whether they are political leaders and decision makers, policymakers, or public affairs consultancies acting on behalf of clients in this area. 
  6. Continuously monitor and refine: Regularly review the performance and effectiveness of the sentiment analysis system, making adjustments and improvements as needed to maintain its relevance and impact.
    Suffice to say, the powerful potential of sentiment analysis in the political and public affairs ecosystem is undeniable. By harnessing the insights and intelligence provided by this transformative and cutting-edge technology, it will be possible to take decision-making,  public engagement, and political discourse to an entirely new, more constructive and inclusive level.

One thing is for certain, it will be exciting to see how sentiment analysis will continue to shape the future of politics and public affairs, empowering leaders, policymakers, and the public alike.

By Talya Stone, CMO at Permutable AI, an AI-driven data intelligence company specialising in news sentiment analysis. Their Geopolitical Data Intelligence solution is currently in development, aiming to provide unprecedented insights into global political events, tensions and trends. Follow Permutable AI on LinkedIn for updates on their latest innovations and insights and connect with Talya here.