Committee membership for 2023 announced

At its annual general meeting in October, members of the CIPR Midlands group elected their committee representatives for 2023. 

Voting members include: Alison Gallagher-Hughes; Andrea Breau; Bron Eames; Katherine Stedman; Katrina Wilcox; Kelly O’Hanlon; Leah Elston-Thompson; Lisa Claber; Maddy McCrann-Smith; Monira Matin; Sarah Thomas; Seb Greene; Stuart Baird; Tara Sullivan.

Co-opted members and committee supporters include: Aimee Postle; Connor Jones; Jade Mansell; Jeremy Sharpe; Jo Matthews; Lydia Stockdale; Rachel Roberts; Rebecca Middleton; Sarah Williams.

Andrea Breau and Kelly O’Hanlon were elected co-chairs of the committee, with Kelly also retaining the role of budget manager, with the support of Maddy McCrann-Smith. Leah Elston-Thompson takes on the role of secretary for the group.

The co-chairs will now work with individuals to finalise roles and remits for the year ahead but are thankful for the dedication and enthusiasm of everyone who volunteers their time to support CIPR Midlands activities. 

Since last year’s AGM, CIPR Midlands has:

welcomed more than 30 speakers and panellists to hybrid and in-person events
pioneered the Diversity Show & Tell format for more than 60 attendees
delivered events for the Global Alliance Ethics and Education months
relaunched the face-to-face Midlands PR Conference, welcoming more than 50 attendees to Birmingham City University
hosted 120 people at Millennium Point for an IMAX live screening of the Midlands PRide Awards