Lobbying is a discipline within public relations where the general intention of the activity is to inform and influence public policy and law. 'Lobbyists' are practitioners who execute planned and sustained efforts to deliver specific objectives within this broad profile of activity.

CIPR Guides to Professional Lobbying

We've updated our political activity and communications guide to support non-party campaigners navigate regulations and best practices for political engagement during the general election period. It covers key information for charities, local government, and other organisations to ensure legal compliance while pursuing their legitimate influencing objectives.

The CIPR has published a professional standard for lobbying, explaining the CIPR Code of Conduct in the specific context of public affairs.

Statutory Register of Consultant Lobbyists

In 2015 the UK Government launched the Register for Consultant Lobbyists in an attempt to address the issue of transparency in lobbying. An organization is required to join the statutory register if they engage in lobbying activities as defined by the Transparency of Lobbying, non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014.

Further information on the register can be found here.

Updated Guidance on Register for Consultant Lobbyists - July 2023 (PDF)

CIPR LOBBYIng position

Due to the narrow scope of the legislation, those required to register constitute a small proportion of the UK's lobbying industry. This results in the public unable to access meaningful and accurate information about lobbying.

The CIPR has long taken the view that existing lobbying legislation regarding the register is not fit for purpose and needs changing. Read our policy position paper here. In 2022 we launched the Lobbying for Good Lobbying campaign to promote the importance of good lobbying in the UK and change perceptions so that lobbying is recognised as a force for good, a way to rebuild trust in our politics, and an essential part of our democracy. The campaign is designed to educate and inform legislators on what good lobbying looks like and seek better regulation, compliance and more independent oversight.

To support this and deliver greater transparency and raise professional standards of practice, we set up and manage the UK's only universal voluntary register: the UK Lobbying Register (UKLR).

UK Lobbying Register (UKLR)

In July 2015, following the closure of the UK Public Affairs Council (UKPAC), the CIPR launched the UK Lobbying Register (UKLR), a new universal voluntary lobbying register available to all professionals engaged in lobbying within the UK.

The UKLR, which is free of charge to search and register, provides the public with a channel to complain about the conduct of a registered lobbyist.

All lobbyists – agency, in-house or freelance – are welcome to join. It is a requirement of CIPR membership for any members who lobby to join. All registrants are bound by a code of conduct, either the CIPR's or another relevant and effective code.

The CIPR have written to both the House of Commons and House of Lords enclosing our Professional Lobbying document, which seeks to drive the conversation on transparency and higher professional standards in lobbying.