Lobbying for Good Lobbying is calling for lobbying reform to build greater transparency and openness in our democratic process

The Lobbying for Good Lobbying Campaign will promote the importance of good lobbying in the UK and change perceptions so that lobbying is recognised as a force for good, a way to rebuild trust in our politics, and an essential part of our democracy. We want to educate and inform legislators on what good lobbying looks like and seek better regulation, compliance and more independent oversight.


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Lobbying for Good Lobbying
wants MPs, Peers, professional lobbyists, campaigners, commentators, decision makers and influencers from across the political spectrum to come together and support: 

  • LOBBYING REFORM and legislation that is fit for purpose, raises standards and drives transparency 
  • GREATER OPENNESS AND TRANSPARENCY IN PUBLIC LIFE and the public’s trust rebuilt in the lobbying and democratic process 
  • A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD whereby all lobbying activity – not just those of consultant lobbyists - is captured  

Lobbying for Good Lobbying will promote the importance of good lobbying in the UK and change perceptions so that lobbying is recognised as a force for good and an essential part of our democracy. We want to educate and inform legislators on what good lobbying looks like and seek better regulation, compliance and more independent oversight. 

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Campaign news

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Lobbying position paper

Read the CIPR's position on lobbying

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Failure by design

Read our latest report on lobbying


Lobbying report 2023

Read our report on Parliament's scandals

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UK Lobbying Register

Find out more about our lobbying register

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