AI driven sentiment

The practicalities of implementing AI-driven sentiment analysis in politics and public affairs.  

24 July, 2024 

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Analysis for strategic advantage

In the first of a two-part series, Talya Stone, CMO at AI-driven data intelligence company Permutable AI, explores how sentiment analysis can transform politics and public affairs, empowering leaders, policymakers, and other stakeholders.  

27 June, 2024 

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Lobbying and elections

Thomas Addison, Policy & Public Affairs Manager at The Physiological Society 

In this blog, Thomas Addison, Policy & Public Affairs Manager at The Physiological Society explores lobbying at election time – and whether it really is business as usual.  

12 June, 2024 

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How can Public Affairs become more Inclusive?

GK Strategy Advisers Noureen Ahmed and Annabelle Black discuss how the public affairs sector can improve inclusivity and share some thoughts on their own experiences as women working in public affairs.

15 May, 2024 

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Now you see it, now you don’t

In this blog, Jinmi Macaulay, Director of External Communications at Smart DCC, explores his role in managing stakeholders, the public affairs skills that he uses in his day-to-day job, and draws some interesting parallels with magic!

3 Apr, 2024 

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What does AI mean for mis/disinformation?

22 Mar, 2024 

In the latest of our blog series, Sahil Shah, Managing Director of Say No to Disinfo, shares some thoughts on what AI means for mis/disinformation and its implications for organisations engaged in public affairs. What’s more, it shares some sage advice on how to tackle disinformation with early, effective responses.

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Public affairs and growing as a senior leader

27 Feb, 2024 

Rob Okunnu, CEO of the Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health, discusses how public affairs professionals can grow as senior leaders

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Public Affairs Leaders - creating the next generation

7 Feb, 2024 

Rebecca Deegan, founder and director of I have a voice, discusses creating the next generation of politically engaged young people with CIPR Vice Chair James Boyd-Wallis

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The political year ahead

17 Jan, 2024 

Julia Ogiehor, Policy and Trade Relations Manager at ABTA looks at the political year ahead and the impact on public affairs professionals

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Don’t give up on purpose

5 Jan, 2024 

Nadine Smith, Government and Enterprise Director at Social Finance, explains why purpose is important for public affairs teams

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Far from over - the First Minister Contest

21 Dec, 2023 

Craig Lawton, head of public affairs at PR and comms agency Grasshopper assesses what we can expect from the Welsh Labour Leadership contest in the coming weeks and months

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‘Two-gether’ We Move

1 December, 2023

Alfie Brierley, director of policy and public affairs at the Motor Cycle Industry Association explains some of the public affairs lessons from unleashing the potential of motorcycles in the face of phase out challenges.  

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Get to know your public affairs team
By Grace Thompson, public affairs lead, the Institute of Export and International Trade

23 November, 2023

Grace Thompson, Public Affairs Lead at the Institute of Export and International Trade explains why it’s important for organisations to understand what the public affairs function does and how they can go about getting to know them.  

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Noble Lords – The Importance of the House of Lords
By Grahame Woods, Senior Account Manager, at full-service comms agency, JBP

09 November, 2023

Grahame Woods explains why it’s important to engage with the House of Lords and how to go about it 

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Public Affairs Leaders Series: Managing risk in a more politicised era
By James boyD-Wallis

19 October, 2023

Interview with Stuart Thomson founder of CWE Communications who discusses the growing role and responsibilities of public affairs professionals

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What is going on in Scotland?
By Neil Cuthbert Chart.PR, Director, PA Cooperative Ltd

5 October, 2023

Neil Cuthbert asks what’s going on in Scotland and shares his thoughts on how each of the parties may perform in the next general election.

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the seven types of leader’s speech

19 September, 2023

As we approach party conference season Public Affairs Group Chair David Boot examines the seven types of leader’s speech
by David Boot

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Public affairs leaders - Advocating for people and ideas 

13 September, 2023

Interview with Jane Wallace, Head of Public Affairs at review platform Trustpilot
by James Boyd-Wallis


Thinking about getting chartered? 

17 August, 2023

Thinking about getting chartered? Public Affairs Group vice chair James Boyd-Wallis discusses the merits of becoming a Chartered PR practitioner and the preparation required. 
by James Boyd-Wallis


Summer reads recommended by the Public Affairs Group

25 July, 2023

Summer recess. That gap between the frenetic pace of Westminster politics and the intrigue of the autumn party conferences is nearly upon us. A time to recharge and take a break from the relentless pace of public affairs. Or perhaps a chance to do some light reading?
by CIPR Public Affairs Group Chair David Boot


Public affairs leaders: with Natasha Thomas, Vice President of Public Affairs & Stakeholder Relations at Sage

27 April, 2023

Natasha Thomas discusses data, technology and the evolution of public affairs with CIPR Public Affairs Group Vice Chair James Boyd-Wallis. . 
by CIPR Public Affairs Group Vice Chair James Boyd-Wallis


Ensuring lobbying is open, transparent and legal

20 February, 2023

What we learnt about lobbying regulation and how to ensure an open and transparent profession. 
by CIPR Public Affairs Group Vice Chair James Boyd-Wallis


Them's the breaks. a look back on 2022

21 December, 2022

In a festive themed blog, James Boyd-Wallis looks back at what the CIPR Public Affairs Committee have achieved this year.
by CIPR Public Affairs Group Vice Chair James Boyd-Wallis


Politics and reputation: what we need to know and do.

11 November, 2022

A review of "Reputation in Business: Lessons for leaders" by Stuart Thomson
by James Boyd-Wallis


The era of the short-term Minister? 

25 October, 2022

We are now at a time when Ministers are staying in their roles for ever shorter periods
by Max Sugarman, CIPR Public Affairs Group Chair


When the unprecedented is not so unprecedented

20 October, 2022

How do Public Affairs Professionals react to Liz Truss' resignation?
by Rachael Clamp


Making the most of Party Conferences

22 September, 2022

Party Conference season is a great opportunity for engagement. But how can you make the most of it? James Boyd-Wallis takes a look.
by James Boyd-Wallis'


Do Party Conferences still matter?

18 July, 2022

With Party Conference season fast approaching, David Boot asks what these events have in store and whether they are worth attending.


The state of public affairs in 2022

18 July, 2022

Following the CIPR's State of the Profession survey results, Donna Castle digs into what the findings show about the Public Affairs sector.


Screaming blue murder: the Conservative leadership contest and the impact on public affairs

13 July, 2022

Screaming blue murder: the Conservative leadership contest and the impact on public affairs
How should Public Affairs professionals react to the Conservative Leadership contest? James Boyd-Wallis takes a look.




How to influence MPs in the education and skills sector?

01 July, 2022

Anne Nichols explores the key policy issues in education and how public affairs professionals can prepare for the changes ahead.




Fixing the house of commons

24 June, 2022

James Boyd-Wallis explores what we learnt from a sit down with Dr Hannah White, the Institute for Government's Deputy Director, as we discussed her new book, Held in Contempt.





15 June, 2022

Why should Public Affairs Professionals take the opportunity to sign up to the UK's only free and open for all lobbying register, showing their commitment to ethics, professionalism and transparency.

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The Government’s approach to foreign lobbyists suggests wider reform is needed

19 May, 2022

The Queen’s Speech included plans for a new National Security Bill to regulate foreign lobbying activity. CIPR Public Affairs Group Chair Max Sugarman asks whether the move makes the case for a more radical overhaul of lobbying rules…

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 The impact of coronavirus on lobbying

17 June, 2020 

There’s been an explosion in webinars during the pandemic, and the CIPR Public Affairs Group was not going to miss out.  Our very first webinar took place in June (kicking off a series of webinars this summer) and was imaginatively about...

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A week certainly is a long time in politics

7 June, 2020 

If a week is a long time in politics, as Harold Wilson once said, God only knows what he would have made of the past ten days.  The political world is having to adjust quickly, in unprecedented circumstances. Prime Minister’s Questions is ...

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Public Affairs in the new normal

20 May, 2020 

The coronavirus pandemic is affecting all professions across all sectors. For those working in public affairs, the post-COVID19 new normal will require a step change in how we think about, and plan for, the operation of government for ...

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