About the group

The CIPR Cymru Wales group is for professional communicators in Wales. Our members work across business, industry, PR consultancies and in government, education, health, housing and other public bodies. 

A committee of Welsh PR professionals looks after the interests of CIPR members in Wales - organising annual and monthly events; arranging and communicating training and career development opportunities in Wales; providing a voice for the profession in Wales; communicating  CIPR information to the Welsh membership; and working in partnership with Welsh universities to develop the future of the PR profession. 

Get involved

To hear from the CIPR Cymru Wales, please visit your MyCIPR account and update your preferences to hear from us. If you would like to join the group as a volunteer Committee member, please register your interest here.

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Our committee

John Wilkinson, Chart.PR FCIPR 
CIPR Co-ordinating Committee Member

Martyn Williams, Chart.PR Dip CIPR FCIPR 
Vice Chair
CIPR Council Representative
Gareth Watson MCIPR
Committee - Member
Events Team Co-Ordinator

Lisa Davies, Chart.PR MCIPR
Budget Manager

Francesca Carpanini, Chart.PR, MCIPR
Catrin Durie, Chart.PR MCIPR
Committee - Member (on maternity leave)
Michelle Canning, Dip CIPR, FCIPR

Committee - Member

Sheri Hall, MCIPR
Committee - Member
EDI Co-Ordinator

Darren Davies, MCIPR
Committee - Member
Events Team
Emma Raçzka, Chart PR, Dip CIPR, MCIPR
Committee - Member
Events Team
Kerry Lynne Doyle, Chart.PR MCIPR

Committee - Member
Marketing Team

Jamie Pike, MCIPR

Committee - Member
EDI Team & Conference Organiser

Steven Lambert MCIPR
Committee - Member
Marketing & Social Media Co-Ordinator
Beth Perry-Campbell

Committee - Member
Events Team

Erin Thomas, MCIPR

Committee - Member
Marketing Team

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